All children to be admitted shall have their application forms completed by their parents/guardians. Children admitted are usually between the ages of two and five for the Early Child Care Development classes while the ages for the Primary classes are between five and six years. The selection process depends largely on scores obtained from I.Q. tests and other types of tests/interviews administered by the school. Offer of admission is however on a first come, first served basis.
Application forms and prospectus are obtained from the school office on payment of the application fee. Parents are advised to fill the application forms correctly. This is to ensure that proper record of information about the applicant is obtained. Those who pass the test and interviews consequently get an offer of admission and parents are usually required to pay an admission fee.
1. The prospective candidate must have completed at least year 5 (or its equivalent) in a recognized primary school within or outside the country.
2. The child must also be at least 10 years old by September of the year of admission.
3. An application form is obtained, after which a prospective student writes an entrance examination.
This is followed by a comprehensive interview which is usually conducted on the school premises. The successful candidates are admitted. Admission, as a matter of policy, is restricted to JS 1 and SS1. However, admission into other classes is subject to vacancies in any of these classes.
Students seeking admission into any of the classes must follow the same procedure. A letter of admission and requisite administrative charges are rendered void after the expiry date specified on the admission letter.
It is important that both parents meet the Principal/Head of schools before a student is finally admitted into any of our Secondary classes

Admission Process
You will receive a confirmation email with login, password and instructions to complete our online application.
Monday, September 9th Resumption for 1st Term 2024/2025 Session, complete your online application.
- Scheme A- (Life and 3 Academic Sessions)
- Scheme B- ( 1, 2 and 3 Terms)
- Scheme C- Book Scholarship (One Session)